Friday, February 7, 2020

Team SuccessTeam Building Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Team SuccessTeam Building - Essay Example The Colts's leadership has stressed that the players are role models for youth and for the community. They participate in events to benefit children such as 'Coats for Kids' and toy drives during the holidays ("Coats" 2007). This aspect of leadership brings the team together in a common bond that transcends being simply teammates. Along with the players' role as leaders, Coach Tony Dungy uniquely makes his demands on the field. He does not scream, swear, or throw things to show his disappointment. He is quietly demanding and his demand is for excellence. These two aspects of the team are seen on the field in what Weaver (2004) calls, "...loyalty, charity and diligence". The team's strong Christian ethics have also contributed to their winning. They are humble in their success. This is illustrated in their holding back on premature celebrations, taunting, or personal fouls. The pragmatic result is fewer penalties. Along with this character comes the trait of humility. This may be the Colt's biggest intangible asset. When they win, they win as a team. And when they lose, they all lose. Peyton Manning has never taken the credit for a win. When they lose, he takes his blame and responsibility for it. All the players share in this attitude. There are no stars, only a team. This makes winning not only the most important thing, but also the only thing. The

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